Tag Archives: christianity

Decision 2024: Christianity or Trumpianity?

Many people believe Donald Trump and his followers created a cult. They are wrong, Trump and his Republican followers created a full-blown religion, with Donald Trump as their god.

These people blocked out reality in deference to their leader. Like any religion, it is heresy to question Trump’s divinity or his actions.


Many times, on this website, I’ve described how Republicans have bastardized Christianity. I have called Trump’s followers “Christians In Name Only”. However, the acronym, “CINO”, is the same as Conservatives In Name Only, which also describes today’s big government loving Republicans. I have also used “Make Believe Christians” to describe Trump’s followers. Or, I’ve simply called them hypocrites.

This gets very confusing. To simplify things, henceforth, on this website, Trump and his followers’ religion will be called Trumpianity. Followers of this religion will be called Trumpians.

This allows us to completely disassociate Trumpianity from Christianity. Each religion has different saviors and values.

Clearly, if Trumpians believed Jesus Christ would be at their judgement day, they would never want it on their record that they supported someone as vile as Trump as their leader. Trump’s policies towards migrants, the poor and marginalized groups violate Christian values and human decency.

Is this church Trumpian or Christian?

In the upcoming election, voters have a distinct choice between Christianity, ably represented by President Joe Biden and Trumpianity whose savior is Donald Trump. For voters who are not Christians or Trumpians, the choice is between decency and indecency.


The two religions worship different messiahs. There are other major differences between Christianity and Trumpianity. These differences are the reason Trumpianity and Christianity are mutually exclusive. You can be one or the other, but not both. If morality is important to you, the differences between the two religions should be a factor in deciding who to vote for. Some differences are listed below (Christian values are bold, Trumpian values are not).

  • Jesus (the Messiah of Christianity) spent His time on earth caring for the poor. He provided food, shelter, clothes, healing and compassion to the people others closed their eyes to.
    • Trumpians want to take food away from the poor by eliminating the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (Food Stamps). They want to eliminate housing subsidies for the poor and completely take away shelters for most homeless people. These policies will make more people homeless.

Trumpians want to stop using white taxpayer dollars to help underfunded schools populated by kids with black and brown skin. Trumpians also want to take away health care for the poor by eliminating Medicaid. They want to terminate the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), taking away health care for millions more Americans. Trumpians also aim to reduce Social Security and Medicare benefits for older Americans.

Trumpians believe people should be responsible for themselves and not be dependent on government. This applies to everyone except white farmers that produce corn, soybean, wheat, rice, dairy and sugar. See the article below for more details.

The Republican Deficit Reduction Fiasco

  • Two times, Jesus admonished rich men and told them they should sell all their possessions and give the money to the poor. (A Christian government would help facilitate some of this transfer by imposing higher taxes on the rich.)
    • Trumpianity is focused on greed and making the rich richer at the expense of everyone else. They use tax cuts and reduced government oversight to concentrate as much money and wealth into as few hands as possible. Trumpians even want to make it easier for the rich to cheat on their taxes by keeping the IRS underfunded. Trumpians take from the poor and give to the rich.
  • Jesus was the most honest man to walk the earth. In John 8:32, Jesus said, “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free”.
    • Donald Trump (the Trumpian Messiah) is the most prolific liar in the history of US politics.  To Trumpians, the truth is the enemy. This is the opposite of Christianity. One cannot be a Trumpian unless one rejects truth and facts.
  • Christians are guided by all the Ten Commandments.
    • Trumpians believe Commandments dealing with lying, adultery and stealing aren’t relevant.
  • The Bible states in Romans 13:1-2: “Obey the government, for God is the One who has put it there. There is no government anywhere that God has not placed in power. So those who refuse to obey the law of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow.”
    • Trumpians revere law breakers. The Trumpian Teacher, Donald Trump, is a convicted felon. He has also been convicted of sexual battery, The judge in the battery case, Judge Lewis Kaplan, ruled the assault was a rape by any definition of the word. Trump has also been convicted of financial fraud of banks and insurance companies. He also defrauded ordinary people that enrolled in the now defunct Trump University.

What’s more, Trump surrounds himself with lawbreakers. Trump’s former campaign adviser, George Papadopoulos is a felon. Two other high ranking campaign advisors, Paul Mantafort and Rick Gates are felons and served time in prison. Roger Stone, another high-ranking Trump aide was convicted of a felony and went to prison. Michael Flynn, Trump’s first National Security advisor pled guilty to a felony. Trump Organization’s CFO, Allen Weisselberg, committed a felony as part of his work for the Trump organization and is in prison.

Trump’s lawyer for over 12 years, Michael Cohn, is a felon and served prison time. George Nader, a Trump foreign policy advisor is a felon serving a 10-year prison sentence for possessing child pornography and transporting a child for sex. Elliot Broidy, a close Trump confidant and fundraiser is a felon. Steve Bannon, a close Trump advisor will soon serve a prison term for refusing a Congressional subpoena to testify. Trump’s former chief trade negotiator, Peter Navarro, is currently in jail.

Former Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale is accused of domestic violence. Trump aides David Sorenson and Rob Porter are also accused of domestic violence. Trump pardoned most of his criminal friends before leaving the presidency

Several of Trump’s lawyers are indicted for trying to overthrow the 2020 election. Many are also facing or have been disbarred and can no longer practice law. (Lawyers are considered “officers of the Court”. They are disbarred for abusing courts, making unsupported claims and false statements in court. In other words, lying. For example, saying the 2020 presidential election was fraudulent is an unsupported claim. The lawyers couldn’t provide evidence of fraud because there isn’t any evidence of fraud.)

Some of the lawyers that have been indicted and or facing disbarment are Kenneth Chesebro, James Troupis, Jenna Ellis, Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman, Christina Bobb, Jeffrey Clark, Sidney Powell and others.

Trump lawyer, Alina Habba, was sanctioned multiple times in Trump’s failed lawsuit against Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Presidential Campaign. Habba and her co-council were fined over $66,000. The judge in the case determined the lawsuit was frivolous and in bad faith. In addition, he ordered Trump and Habba to pay Clinton and others an additional $938,000. Because of another failed Trump lawsuit, he and his lawyers must pay $1.3 million to former White House advisor Omarosa Manigault.

Donald Trump is a convicted felon. Trump, his sons and his company have also been convicted of multiple financial frauds. Trump has also been convicted of what the civil trial judge called “rape, by any definition of the word”.

In addition, Trump surrounds himself with fellow felons and some of the most scurrilous lawyers in the United States. These are not good people. Just to reemphasize  what Jesus said, “Those who refuse to obey the law of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow”.


  • Jesus lived simply. He wore shabby, minimal clothing and lived with the poor. He was not ostentatious. Jesus detested materialism and dishonesty.
    • Donald Trump (Trumpian’s chosen Savior) is the epitome of greed and the opposite of Jesus. Trump was convicted of financial fraud and fined $453.5 million. About Trump, the trial judge, Justice Arthor Engoron stated, “The frauds found here leap off the page and shock the conscious.” Sadly, Trump has passed on his disdain for the law to his two oldest sons. About Trump and his sons, Engoron wrote, “Their complete lack of contrition and remorse borders on pathological.”
  • The Bible teaches that life begins at first breath. Genesis 2:7 states “Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.
    • Most Trumpians want to eliminate abortions. Many want to outlaw all artificial forms of birth control. Contrary to the Bible, the former group believe life begins before birth and the latter believes life begins before conception.
  • Jesus teaches that those who take care of strangers will receive eternal life and those who do not will receive eternal punishment. (Strangers in this context are people from other countries.)
    • Trumpianity is focused on putting 21 million human beings that have lived, worked and paid taxes in the US into massive camps and deporting them. While Trumpians claim the reason for the deportations is the people came here illegally, the real reason is Trumpian racism. Trump also wants to deport US citizens that were born in the US whose parents came here illegally. Trump also permanently separated parents who legally applied for asylum from their children.
  • In the entire New Testament, there is not one word about homosexuality. Jesus spent His time on earth helping the poor and fighting the materialism of the church and the greed of the rich. Homosexuality simply wasn’t a priority to Jesus.
    • Trumpianity focuses a great deal of effort in taking rights from LGBTQ+ people and making them less than equal citizens.
  • Jesus set an example for his followers by being humble and good.
    • Donald Trump sets an example for his Trumpians by being guilty of all seven of the capital vices or cardinal sins; pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony and sloth.
  • Christianity teaches that rapists should be stoned to death. (Deuteronomy 22:25
    • Donald Trump (Trumpianity’s Master) was convicted of sexual battery against E. Jean Carroll. During the trial, two other women , under oath, told of being sexually assaulted by Trump. The judge in the case ruled Trump’s  assault of Carroll was rape by any definition of the word. Trump has never asked for forgiveness for raping Carroll or  apologized to her. The Old Testament rule for rape means Trump should be stoned to death. Trumpians just defy reality and truth and pretend the rapes never happened.
  • Jesus said, “Be careful that you don’t practice your religion in front of people to draw their attention. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven.”
    • The Trumpian Savior, Donald Trump, makes a spectacle of waving a Bible around, trying to sell Bibles and praying in front of large audiences.

Trumpians declare faith. Christians demonstrate their faith by doing good for those that are less fortunate.

The biggest difference between Christianity and Trumpianity is:

  • Christianity is about love and forgiveness.
    • Trumpianity is about hate and retribution.
The truth about Donald Trump

Donald Trump is a con-man. He convinced his followers that he is a self-made multi-billionaire. He convinced Trumpians that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from him. He convinces them that even though he has been convicted in every trial he’s faced in the last year; he is a victim of a witch hunt.

However, Trump’s most successful con-job is convincing Bible-thumping Republicans that he is one of them. He pledges to save Christianity in the United States if elected for a second term.

Trump is the very essence of hypocrisy.  I can’t think of a better way to speed up the exodus of people from Christian church membership than having prominent preachers and their membership supporting Donald Trump. Trump is the antithesis of all that is Christianity.

(Note: Certainly not all Christians are hypocritical Trump supporters! Many Christians are honest and good people who would never dream of voting for Trump. Again, this is the reason to designate Trumpians separately from Christians.)

Trump’s promise of making Christianity a state religion

Any hope of legislating Christianity will fail and backfire as even more Americans will describe their religious affiliation as “none”. Rather than declare Christianity a state religion, a far better plan for Trumpians is abandoning Trump and practice real Christianity.  People likely would be attracted to churches that treat all people as equals and is accepting of people born with something other than white skin, that are not heterosexual and who believe women should have the same rights and opportunities as men.

Biblical comparisons

Trumpians believe God sent Trump to save America. Logically, God should be able to find a better messenger in a country of 333 million people than Trump.

Trumpians try to compare Trump to other flawed messengers in the Bible like David. Not a good comparison. David’s lust was only for one woman. Trump continually acts out his lust for women he is not married to. David only failed towards the end of his life while Trump has been a miscreant all his adult life.

While David was the epitome of courage, Trump had his daddy buy him a  4-F draft deferment so he wouldn’t go to Vietnam. Also, Trump whines like a baby when he doesn’t get his way. It is hard to imagine two people more different than David and Trump.

The Biblical comparison that does work for Trump is the Golden Calf Idol (Exodus 32). The Israelites built the Golden Calf Idol after escaping from Egypt and wandering in the desert for years. They built the idol at the urging of Aaron, Moses’s brother. The Golden Calf was a false god, just like Trump. Aaron’s modern-day comparison is Fox News.

The Christian alternative to Trumpianity

The Christian candidate running for president is President Joe Biden. Biden does not walk around waving a Bible and making speeches to right-wing Trumpian church groups. Biden shows his Christianity by his everyday actions. He has been married to the same woman for 47 years. He shows his unquestioning love for his wife and family in a way we should emulate. While president, Biden has constantly tried to help the poor and oppressed at the expense of the rich and privileged, just like Jesus. Unfortunately, Trumpians managed to stop many of his Christianity based plans.

Biden’s faith has certainly been tested during his presidency. Trumpians have made up all sorts of disgusting accusations. Trump uses something called “projection”. He tries to project his own undemocratic actions onto Biden.

Trumpians accused Biden of taking $1.5 billion from China and varying amounts from Ukraine. Rather than lash out like Trump, Biden let the Trumpians make fools of themselves trying to find evidence that doesn’t exist. Voters should not confuse Biden’s Christian actions with weakness.

Biden has not been indicted or convicted of rape or financial fraud. Biden is not a felon. The Biden’s Administration does not have any  wife beaters or perverts. No one in Biden’s administration is in prison or facing prison. Joe Biden is one of the few presidents with a scandal free presidency.

This is not an accident. Unlike Trump, Biden is a good person. He surrounds himself with good people that Trump could not tolerate. Biden also attracts good people because his goal is to improve the lives of all people in the United States. Conversely, Trump wants to make life more miserable for the poor, the marginalized and the oppressed. This attracts a totally different kind of people working for him than Biden has.

Thankfully, voters don’t have to choose between morality and competence. They get both with Biden.

The defining challenge of Trump’s presidency was COVID. He failed miserably. His lies, misinformation an incompetence in not listening to the the world’s leading disease experts resulted in the US having the highest number of COVID deaths of any country in the world during his term. We also had one of the world’s highest per capita death rates from COVID during his term. Trump failed.

President Joe Biden’s biggest challenge has been inflation. This was a worldwide problem because of the recovery from the pandemic. Early in Biden’s term, when inflation was at its worst, the US inflation rate was in the middle of the twenty largest economies in the world (G-20). Today, the US inflation rate is the lowest of any of the G-20 countries. Biden succeeded.

Morality should not be the only decision maker in deciding who to vote for. Trump’s economy was the worst of any president since economic records were kept in the 1930’s. Biden’s is one of the strongest. https://www.frugalron.com/why-democrats-economies-flourish-and-republican-economies-fail/

US voters should do as the Grail Knight in the Indiana Jones  movie, The Last Crusade, suggested, “Choose wisely.”