Tag Archives: supreme court

A Bad Week for Democracy

Joe Biden must resign as president. He, his family and his close advisors ignored reality and practiced denialism for too long. For any of us who’ve watched friends or family go through Alzheimer’s, we recognize the progression. First signs are things we might blow-off. Biden trying to get the attention of a dead Congresswoman at a bill signing is an example. We should have been more suspicious when he called a press conference after the Hur Report was released to convince people of his mental acuity. Instead, he mixed up the presidents of Egypt and Mexico. His disastrous debate performance followed by an extremely vibrant speech the next day is familiar. Biden has good days and bad days. Over time, the bad days will outnumber the good days.

Biden must resign immediately for two reasons.
  1. The world is a dangerous place. If China attacked Taiwan tomorrow, we can’t risk if Biden is having a good day. Perception is as important as reality. Even if Biden is at his best. we would question his acuity.
  2. Resigning now makes Vice president Kamala Harris the incumbent president in November. She can showcase herself on a bigger stage for four months before the election.
Trump’s advantage: if he had Alzheimer’s, no one would notice

Democrats missed a giant opportunity at the presidential debate. Donald Trump is a liar and a fool. In Trump’s interviews since declaring his candidacy, he has only gotten soft questions. If Biden was checked in, he could have hammered on Trump’s election lies by insisting on evidence. He could have asked why Trump’s “massive evidence of fraud” didn’t stand up in the 61 court cases he lost (many in front of judges he and other Republicans appointed)?  A tuned in Biden would have blown off any of Trump’s deflections and returned to demanding real evidence of cheating.

Biden could have asked Trump about the studies by Simpatico Software Systems and Berkley Research Group, paid for by Trump and Republicans, to find election fraud.  The companies were paid $750.000 and $600,000 respectively. Their studies both found no evidence of fraud on the scale needed to alter the election.

A sharp Biden should have taken the opportunity to explain the real reasons Trump lost. Trump had the worst job creation and economic growth records in US history. Biden missed the chance to brag about his own record of being one of the most successful US presidents in history in creating jobs and economic growth. Biden should have asked Trump why the unemployment rate now is less than half what it was when Trump left office.

Trump’s trials

An on top-of-it Democrat could have moved on to Trump’s trials and had a field day. Can you imagine Trump forced to explain his fetish for having sex in stores? Note: In the first part of Trump’s pussy grabbing tape, he bragged about trying to fuck (Trump’s term) a married woman in a furniture store. Trump was also convicted of raping E. Jean Carroll in a department store.

It would have been entertaining listening to Trump explaining why Congressional Republicans weren’t able to uncover or find the ubiquitous Deep State in their two-year long investigation. The point is, Democrats could have turned the 2024 election around at the debate if they had a lucid candidate on the podium. They didn’t, and they put themselves in a hole.

Why Kamala?

While Biden’s mental acumen and lucidity has been sliding downward, Vice president Kamala Harris’s has been going the opposite direction. Gone are the days when she would answer questions in a long, meandering way that almost resembled Trump. Now she is the epitome of directness. She is passionate about our country and future.

In a recent speech to Asian American young people advocating for them to press for equality and economic opportunities, Harris said, “You need to kick that fucking door down!”

That is the kind of bluntness Democrats need to use against Trump. I only wished they had it last week in Atlanta at the CNN debate.

Presidential aging

I’ve watched every president in my adulthood age dramatically during their terms, except Donald Trump. I credited Trump’s lack of aging to his cluelessness about the impact his presidential actions and inactions had on ordinary people.

It is unfortunate for the United States and Biden that his mental capabilities diminished so publicly. Biden has done a great job as president. However, he should have resigned, or at least, dropped out of the presidential race a year ago. The longer he stays in office, the more embarrassing it is for he and his family .

The Supreme Court

The other recent assault on democracy came from the Supreme Court. The six Republican justices on the Court must absolutely hate democracy and the Constitution. They also must hate the multi-cultural inclusiveness, women’s ability to make their own decisions about their bodies, rights of Gay people, freedom of religion and the love of liberty the United States represented before they became the court majority. So far, here are a few of their actions.

  • The Court took away the long held Constitutional right to privacy and abortion.
  • Republican justices eviscerated the Voting Rights Act.
  • Three of their rulings make it harder to fight global warming and pollution. This is a disastrous mistake.
  • They over-rode local gun control laws.
Mural depicting “Liberty” in Wisconsin Capitol dome; Madison, Wisconsin. Joe Biden must resign for us to have any hope for preserving our democracy and liberty.

However, none of their decrees are as extreme as their rulings on presidential immunity. Now, a president (or former president) cannot be held legally responsible for any official act during their presidency.

What would happen if Democrats took advantage of Court ruling?

If Democrats lose the upcoming election this November, the Democratic president could just say the election was fraudulent and invalidate the results. The president could declare martial law and order any protestors jailed. The president could order Special Forces to kill Donald Trump and his VP pick. Might as well knock off Robert Kennedy Jr. also. Thanks to the Supreme Court, the president can’t be prosecuted for any of this.

If the president has a loyal majority in the Congress, or failing that, 34 loyal Democratic senators, the Democratic president doesn’t need to worry about impeachment.  If some Republicans get unruly, the president can just have them arrested and locked away in some unknown prison. Again, according to the Republican Supreme Court Justices, no worries about the president ever being prosecuted for any of this. The president is above the law, and for all intents and purposes, a king.

I’m sure the Justices wholly expect Democrats will follow the rules and do what is right.  They won’t have to worry about Democrats enacting the above scenario. They are saving implementation for Donald Trump and Republicans.

What the Republican Justices accomplished with their immunity rulings is telegraph loud and clear, whatever Donald Trump does as president, the six right-wing Justices have his back. He will never face any prosecution for whatever he does. For a narcissist like Trump, that is all he needs to impose a dictatorship, if he gets elected. The last four words are the key.

Wrapping up…

In 2016, too many people looked at Hilary Clinton and decided she wasn’t perfect.  Apathy ruled. Many people either didn’t vote or wasted their vote on a third-party candidate. What we got was the worst president in US history and three extremist justices that don’t represent most US citizens. We can’t let this happen in 2024.

The only thing that can stymie the Republican justice’s plan for a Donald Trump dictatorship is for intelligent, non-haters to vote for a Democrat as president. I can’t predict who will head the Democratic ticket for president. Yet, I can guarantee that person will be more intelligent, honest, moral and qualified than Donald Trump.